Busco explicar la lógica del desarrollo explosivo de precedentes judiciales e innovaciones legislativas de primer orden de importancia para los pueblos indígenas de México, que se han producido en los últimos seis años en Michoacán. Parto de la investigación militante que vengo realizando desde el inicio del movimiento purépecha de...
The performative dimension of defending human rights is analyzed as a fundamental element of such practices. The methodology consists of an anthropological literature review regarding human rights and an ethnographical study of an audience concerning indigenous rights before the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights. The main finding was that several...
Reseña el documental titulado Gurumbé, canciones de tu memoria negra de Miguel Ángel Rosales, en el que muestra cómo Rosales recupera desde la memoria y el material audiovisual el rol de la presencia africana en la Península Ibérica, principalmente desde la música en el flamenco y en el fandango. En...
This article addresses the meanings of blood in traditional and biomedical systems in a Chatino’s context from the state of Oaxaca. For both systems blood represents life, however, while blood is part of a body that is an independent physical structure clinically, culturally it is linked to home and land....
Los espacios culturales alternativos se caracterizan tanto por la concentración de actividades culturales y creativas como por relaciones fluidas entre lugares de habitación, trabajo y entretenimiento. De ahí surgen formas de pertenencia e identidad territorial heterogéneas, como en la zona Roma-Condesa, en el centro de la Ciudad de México. Se...
Based on ethnographic material obtained from 2006 to 2018 among Otomis of the eastern mountain range of Hidalgo in Mexico, this research aims to untangle the meanings regarding native concepts to refer to the body and its contents. These categories include beings that are recognized as people, as well as...
The social impacts of neoliberal capitalism combined with colonial legacies have supported the instrumen- talization of a politics of resentment on the part of the far-right in many countries. With an ethnographic perspective, we explore in depth how a politics of hate implanted itself in contemporary Brazilian society. With data...
Colombian attitudes are analyzed in relation to the peace treaty signed between the government and the Colombian Revolutionary Armed Forced (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia farc). For this, related phenomena are examined regarding the plebiscite through which such an agreement was approved or refused: campaign strategies for or against, opinion...
Este artículo busca construir una ruta antropológica para explorar la migración en tránsito a través de la mirada de la violencia y el género, mediante la categoría feminista experiencia vivida. Se realiza un análisis en relación con un continuo de violencias que mujeres migrantes centroamericanas pobres enfrentan desde etapas tempranas...
This work approaches the origin of physical anthropology as part of the general anthropological project, on the basis of the principle that all knowledge translates to ways of interacting with the world. Thus, physical anthropology was built with a heterophobic and racist vision of the human diversity. This, stemming from...