La diabetes mellitus (DM) es un síndrome provocado por la falla en la secreción y/o acción de la insulina que lleva a hiperglucemia y otros trastornos metabólicos. Actualmente, la DM representa uno de los problemas más importantes de la Medicina y es la tercera causa de muerte, después de las...
La apoptosis o muerte celular programada es un evento esencial que contribuye al daño hepático y el claro entendimiento del papel que juega en la fisiopatología de las enfermedades hepáticas abre posibilidades terapéuticas. Existen varios estudios que indican que las citocinas pro-inflamatorias, como el TNF-a y el TGF-b pueden inducir...
The Artificial Insemination (AI) it has been used for the reproduction of birds. The use of this practice was increased with the discovery of the cryoprotectants, enlarging its utility so much in the production of domestic birds as in the conservation of wild species. The objective of this study was...
The report contained in this document is the result of the Doctoral research in EO, it gives account of the presence of loose couplings and tensions in the governance in an organization of the ES sector in Colombia, framed in a CA of the social sciences. The tensions, conflicts and...
The purpose of this study was to identify the species Trididemnum spp. as well as determining the coral species covered by this tunicate, in coral reefs of the Arrecifes de Cozumel National Park (PNAC). Three samplings were carried out, October (2018), November (2018) and July (2019), where the temporal variation...
The chemical and physico-chemical composition of the red pigment from the cactus fruit Escontria chiotilla has not been properly studied so far. This cactus, which produces a red pulp fruit, is grown in the southeast arid zone of Mexico called Mixteca Baja Oaxaqueña. Therefore, this work deals with the partial...
Several clinical and experimental studies have suggested cardiovascular effects following auricular acupoint stimulation. Groove of Posterior Auricle, also called Groove of Hypertension (Ps) has been used of ear acupuncture for arterial hypertension. However, its cardiovascular action of has not yet been evaluated through experimental studies. To determine effect of Ps...
Los tumores neuroendócrinos de la región duodeno-pancreática son neoplasias de lento crecimiento, en ocasiones su presencia se percibe cuando el tumor produce alguna hormona funcional en cantidades descontroladas dando origen a síndromes clínicos. Los tumores no sindrómicos se identifican cuando el tamaño del tumor es capaz de dar manifestaciones clínicas...