El Cadmio (Cd) es un metal pesado que es considerado como uno de los mayores agentes tóxicos asociados a la contaminación industrial y ambiental. Laprincipal fuente de exposición es por el consumo de alimentos contaminados y por el humo del cigarro. La toxicidad del Cd se ha asociado con daños...
En el presente estudio se analizó la conducta sexual y la maduración gonádica a lo largo del ciclo reproductor en ejemplares adultos de Heloderma horridum (Wiegmann, 1829), conocido como lagarto enchaquirado. Por métodos no invasivos como lo es el uso de ultrasonido, se determinó que la mayor actividad reproductora ocurrió...
Los peces anuales sobreviven a la desecación de sus hábitats debido aun complejo desarrollo embrionario mediado por diapausas y un corion engrosado, en Norteamérica la única especie de este grupo es Millerichthys robustus. Aunque se ha descrito la conducta reproductora de esta especie, los procesos de comunicación durante el cortejo...
El análisis de varianza revela la diferencia estadísticamente significativa del modelo lineal corregido (p<0.025) con potencia observada ≈ 80% y la varianza del término de error es constante en la combinación de los niveles de los factores (Prueba de Levene, p=0.25). El procedimiento mostró un adecuado comportamiento en la explicación...
Ovulationis a process regulated by neuroendocrine signals from the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, ovaries, etc.Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is secreted in the hypothalamus, which stimulates the release of gonadotropins in the adenohypophysis. The secretion of GnRH is modulated by various hormones or neurotransmitters that regulate it in a stimulating or inhibitory manner....
Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) is a persistent and bio-accumulative pollutant ubiquitous in wildlife and humans, which receives many concerns on its fate, transport, distribution, and toxicity. There is a concern about its presence in human blood and internal organs which points toward associations with multiple human health endpoints including fertility. Researches...
Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) is an aliphatic compound wherein the hydrogen is replaced by fluorine, it is considered a persistent pollutant that causes damage to organisms, and it is used in the manufacture of textiles, personal care and food packaging for daily use. In the serum of humans exposed and no...
Overweight and obesity are clinical conditions where an excess in fat tissue can have negative health effects. The increase in the size or fat cells number can result in physical and hormonal changes in the individual; these changes contribute to some problems such as: increased scrotal temperature and increased production...
This study was designed to evaluate the effects of freezing sperm in pigs and sheep obtained from different commercial farms, which were frozen with cryoprotectants and then were thawed. The parameters of viability, motility and acrosome integrity were evaluated before and after freezing in both species, where the percentages obtained...