Catopsis comprises epiphytic and rupiculous herbs distributed throughout Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and northern South America. The genus is more diverse in Mexico, where more than 85 % of its species inhabit. Catopsis is characterized by its seeds with an appendage formed by numerous hairs at the chalaza. Most...
El género Mimosa L. comprende ca. 540 especies, alrededor del 90% está distribuido en América y el resto es de origen africano y asiático. México es el segundo centro de diversificación del género, donde se distribuyen ca. 105 especies. Sin embargo, entre muchos taxa del género presentes en México, existen...
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, inflammatory and autoimmune disease of multifactorial etiology that mainly affects women. Various environmental and genetic factors contribute to its development. Some genes that code proteins and that regulate the immune system have been associated with susceptibility to RA. One of them is the VEGF-A...
En la adsorción de gases sobre sólidos el termino calor isostérico de adsorción ha sido empleado erróneamente para nombrar a la entalpía isostérica de adsorción, este error conceptual minimiza su carácter de función de estado. Esta función de estado permite obtener un valor de la energía de interacción entre un...
Yam soluble fiber (YSF) extracted from Pachyrhizus erosus L. Urban was added (1 g per 100 mL) to a stirred yogurt (SYYSF). Its syneresis and microstructure properties were evaluated and compared to those of a stirred yogurt (SYC) without added YSF. The SYC yogurt exhibited a more compact casein micelle...
The disruption of redox state homeostasis, the overexpression of lipogenic transcription factors and enzymes induced by the increase in the consumption of lipogenic precursors contained in sweetened beverages are determinants of the development of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. This study evaluated the action of nicotinamide (NAM) on the expression of...