Se presenta una revisión del libro de Orlando Aragón Andrade, De la “vieja” a la “nueva” justicia indígena. Transformaciones y continuidades en las justicias indígenas en Michoacán, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Unidad Iztapalapa/Ediciones del Lirio, México, 2016, 508 pp. Repasa los abordajes teóricos y metodológicos, señalando la estructura y aportaciones del texto....
This article reports an investigation carried out in Morelos on traditional Mexican midwifery, medicine composed of different tools that contribute to a harmonious pregnancy. A qualitative ethnographic research, especially accompanying midwife Angelina Martinez Miranda through the method of observation and participant perception and interviews with women who gave birth in...
Se buscan algunas interrelaciones entre el espacio construido urbano y sus habitantes. El método para producir información es la observación participante realizada en tres recorridos etnográficos por el espacio público de la ciudad de Barcelona. Aplicando la teoría de los tres momentos del espacio de Lefebvre y la metáfora teatral...
The objective of this article is to respond to what subjec- tive strategies we employed and how we participated in the reproduction, administration or transformation of the differences in gender and in class. Thus, methodologically, the experiences of school youth in Cúcuta, Colombia, are a starting point, from which they...
The objective of this text is to analyze how stemming from the promotion of welfare programs in localities denominated as poor, new political actors with direct impact in the form of the local organization have emerged. The “eligible subject” of support has created unheard of forms of social exclusion, at...
The increase in environments of unrest and political violence in the electoral process of the last decade is analyzed here. Murder and aggression toward candi- dates in popular vote appointments data is recovered; furthermore, an ethnographic reconstruction of the repertoire of violent activity as more and more frequent in the...
Este artículo es un trabajo exploratorio cuyo objetivo es mostrar cómo se manifestó y qué consecuencias produjo la violencia política y electoral en los comicios de 2018. Su diseño se sustenta en la construcción de una base de datos empleada para profundizar en nuevas modalidades de violencia electoral y política...
This article analyzes gender related issues posed by three presidential candidates nominated by partisan coalitions in the 2018 elections. The coalition’s electoral platforms were reviewed and, drawing from journalistic information, a data base was constructed in which all of Lopez Obrador’s, Meade’s and Anaya’s events during their campaigns were registered....
El objetivo es ahondar en la heterogeneidad de las orientaciones y conductas de los evangélicos mexicanos hacia la política y sus diversas posiciones. Etnográficamente se estudia qué variables (Iglesia, localidad, historia personal y situación económica) de cada creyente modifican dichas orientaciones. No obstante, entre los hallazgos destaca que hay dos...