The Oocyte have the inherent ability to reprogram the sperm nucleus to form an embryo, which result in a new organism; nevertheless, also it has the ability to reprogram the nucleus of differentiated somatic cell, as it has been shown in Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT). Cytoplasmic extracts of Germinal...
El actual conocimiento de la distribución y abundancia del grupo de peces pertenecientes a la familia Lutjanidae, conocidos como pargos, en diversos cuerpos acuáticos parece ser incompleto. Entre los cuerpos acuáticos en que habitan los pargos están las lagunas costeras, ecosistemas que utilizan para la crianza y el reabastecimiento de...
In the present study two different rooms within an anthropogenic building, used as shelters by the species of bats Myotis velifer and Taidarida brasiliensis, were characterized to determine whether there are differences in environmental conditions that indicate preferences in the selection of shelters by these species. This construction is located...
En las hembras hámster Sirio Dorado (Mesocricetus auratus) el número promedio de ovocitos ovulados es de 10, los cuales tienen una vida fértil máxima de 13 horas. En hembras jóvenes (de 2 a 5 meses de edad), los ovocitos ovulados permanecen alrededor de 96 horas en el oviducto, donde envejecen...
Infertility in males is a problem that has increased, mainly due to pathological alterations. However, 34-40% of cases are due to idiopathic infertility, related to exposure to toxic agents in the environment such as cadmium (Cd), a heavy metal derived from anthropogenic activities. Cd is linked to a decrease in...
Inflammation is an adaptative response, triggered by various harmful stimuli, its aim is to eliminate injurious agents, as well as the restoration and normal functioning of the affected tissue or organ. However, this response can be altered and produce permanent damage, which often have pathological consequences, like cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive...
La obesidad es una de las enfermedades crónico-degenerativas más comunes a nivel mundial y nacional. Es el principal factor de riesgo para desarrollar padecimientos como la Diabetes Tipo 2 (DT2), hipertensión, complicaciones cardiovasculares e incluso algunos tipos de cáncer. Su etiología es multifactorial, entre los factores que caracterizan su desarrollo...
Symbiotics are a mixture of probiotics and prebiotics with a beneficial effect on host health. Microencapsulation of these components emerges as the necessity to preserve viability and functionality, besides improved their storage capacity and resistant throughout gastrointestinal tract. This study was divided in two stages. The first one was the...
Because there are few scientific reports about the use of oak chips during the aging of rosé wines, in addition to the growing wine market in México and the demand for new products by young consumers, a research about aging of a Cabernet Sauvignon rosé wine using American oak chips...
Mammillaria carnea Zucc. ex Pfeiff. es una cactácea globosa que se distribuye en los estados de Oaxaca, y Puebla, se sabe que presenta asociación de nodricismo y que al igual que para otras cactáceas su establecimiento se encuentra relacionado con dicha interacción. En esta interacción la planta nodriza provee de...