In the study of FS, very interesting and high-impact attributes have been found, for example, that economic substrates can be used, little processing is required, and less power is used. The most important factor is that they have high productivities and yields that are generally higher than in FL. In...
La hiperglucemia durante la gestación (HGG) se asocia con efectos adversos durante el desarrollo embrionario y fetal, que a corto plazo conducen a la aparición de cardiopatías congénitas y a largo plazo significan un riesgo de defectos morfológicos y funcionales cardiacos como hipertrofia. Las causas de estos trastornos en la...
Se extrajo pectina de los desechos de la cáscara de cacao (PCC) utilizando ácido cítrico (1:25 g/mL), teniendo un grado de metilesterificacion de 83.22 %, grado de acetilación de 10.20 % y contenido de proteína de 3.68 %. Se formaron y estabilizaron emulsiones de aceite de canola-enagua (O/W) utilizando PCC...
Se utilizó una metodología de superficie de respuesta para establecer las condiciones de amplitud (72.67 %) y tiempo (17.29 min) de ultrasonido de alta intensidad (HIUS) que condujeron a un aislado de proteína de haba optimizada (APHOP) con menor tensión interfacial, potencial zeta y viscosidad, y mayor solubilidad que el...
Biosensor technology has great potential for the detection of cancer through tumor-associated molecular biomarkers. In this work, we describe the immobilization of the recombinant humanized anti-HER2 monoclonal antibody (trastuzumab) on a silver nanostructured plate made by pulsed laser deposition (PLD), over a thin film of Au(111). Immobilization was performed via...
The filamentous fungus Acremonium chrysogenum is the natural producer of the β-lactam antibiotic cephalosporin C (CPC) and is as such used worldwide in the industrial production of this antibiotic. Albeit its profound industrial importance, there is still a limited understanding about the molecular mechanisms regulating CPC biosynthesis in this fungus....
Nowadays the Enterprise Architecture (EA) framework has been applied principally to large organizations and there are few reports of their use in educational organizations. However, an EA benefit to this type of organizations is that it allows them to have the capacity to be competitive in big changes required by...