Los receptores activados por proliferadores de peroxisomas(PPAR)son receptores nucleares dependientes de ligando. Hasta la fecha se han descrito tres isoformas: alfa (α), delta/beta (δ/β) y gamma (γ), que regulan la expresión de genes involucrados en la incorporación y oxidación de lípidos(PPARαy PPARδ), así como en el metabolismo y captación de...
Obesity is related to reproductive problems such as: higher amount of apoptotic oocytes, a lower number of recovered oocytes, oocytes of smaller size and lower number of mature oocytes. Therefore, women with obesity are candidates for assisted reproductivetechniques. However, these women require higher doses of gonadotropins to achieve ovarian stimulation...
La lovastatina es un fármaco de gran importancia industrial empleado para reducir los niveles de colesterol en la sangre. Su producción convencional se lleva a cabo en fermentación líquida (FL). Sin embargo, en los últimos años se ha despertado un gran interés en obtenerla mediante fermentación sólida (FS) porsus múltiples...
The following case study is intended to present the implementation of “A Strategic Management Model for development and growth that allows a direct link to the Technical-Financial, Economic and Business Humanism operations of an environmental services company, the use Strategic management is presented as a planned mechanism to define the...
This research approaches the issue of domestication with a focus on genetic diversity, damage, fitness and defense mechanisms (resistence and tolerance) in Stenocereus stellatus, columnar cacti endemic to central-southern Mexico, in wild populations, management in situ and cultivated populations, distributed in the Tehuacán Valley and in La Mixteca Baja. The...